New Submission Deadline: 31 January 2025 (11:59 pm UTC) The submission deadline for the 11th ICON•S Annual Conference, “At the Crossroads of Public Law: Equality, Climate Emergency, and Democracy in…

We are pleased to open the Call for Nominations for the seventh ICON-S annual Book Prize. In line with the Society’s mission, the prize will be awarded to an outstanding book in the…

December 19, 2024, 14:00 – 15:00 CET, on Zoom Dialogue with Yuliya Kaspiarovich, Leticia Kreuz, Evan Rosevear, and Amal Sethi For legal scholars, and especially for junior legal scholars, large…
We are glad to announce the creation of a new ICON•S Interest Group on Concept Integration in Comparative Law. This interest group supports collaboration among scholars interested in the systematic…
ICON-S Benelux will host a skills development workshop on methodology in legal research on 19th September 2024 at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles.
On October 10th 2024, ICON-S Benelux will host a workshop on the relationship between constitutional law and time at the Maastricht Faculty of Law (NL). The workshop will explore how constitutions…
We are thrilled to announce the creation of the Frances Alice Kleeman Fund, generously established by Julia Frank and Mark Graber. The Fund pays tribute to the remarkable life and…
A new scholarly society focusing on European Law and Law in Europe more generally is being launched by ICON•S Founder, Joseph Weiler. In spirit, orientation, and organization, ELU-S will resemble ICON•S…